taka rite on da bayou...

Learning is a life long journey. Both life experience and reading are the vehicles that will transport you... Thank you for letting me briefly ride along!

Adventures in Early Reading...


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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Forks in the road...

Every time I think I'm getting somewhere, I come to a new fork in the trail and get side tracked. This is a brand new blogspot. You'd think I had enough to do trying to set it up. During the hours my son's in school or during the hours after he's in bed. After cleaning the house and before cooking supper. Yada, yada, yada. But, no. I just registered a domain as damericanhorse.com. If you run across it, don't be surprised to see it just sitting there, parked. Might be a while before I can get to it.

In the vein of accomplishment however, I did post my bio today on this site. It was harder than writing a synopsis. Almost as hard as standing still for a picture. (which I promise will be added soon...) And I've also written another couple of short picture stories that I'll be publishing on tarheelreader.com, as soon as I can find the pictures I want to link to them!

I will be posting another blog before the end of next week. April is Autism Awareness Month. If you've read my bio, you know this is a subject that is near and dear to me. I'll be sharing the story of the years I home-schooled my son, cliff notes version.

To leave you with another pearl, the following is a quote from Khalid Gibran.
"The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind."

Remember, Teacher Appreciation Week is coming up the first week in May!

May you all have a Blessed Day!

D Americanhorse

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