taka rite on da bayou...

Learning is a life long journey. Both life experience and reading are the vehicles that will transport you... Thank you for letting me briefly ride along!

Adventures in Early Reading...


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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Success is a journey, not a destination...

I saw that on a church marquee today and wanted to share it with you. Schools will be beginning summer vacations starting next week. That does not mean that education has to take a holiday too!

It's true that most kids need a break from the daily structure of a school enviornment for some 'free time'. But they should be given the opportunity and encouragement to spend some of that free time in a constructive way.

I realize that most households have parents or caregivers who must work outside of the home. But with a little creative planning you can still provide mental stimulus for your kids. You might set aside an hour or so every few weeks to take them to the library so they can check out a couple of books. Encourage them to read the books and then tell you about the story! If they are unable to read by themselves, take the time to read to them! They will not only be learning but you will be creating a lifelong memory for them that they will cherish!

If they are fortunate enough to have a few friends nearby, perhaps you could arrange something with their parents or caregivers so that you could share the responsibily of being 'chauffeur'. You might even encourage them to start their own 'book club'! Make suggestions to them but let them actually set the definitions of the 'club'. The educational benefits of just these few activities are enormous!

While they are still young is the time to share the journey to success! Once they leave the 'nest', they will be 'flying' on their own! The time you spend with them will be priceless...

May you all have a safe and happy summer and may the warm winds of heaven blow softly upon your homes!

Happy reading,

D Americanhorse

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Big Bad Wolf? Not here!

As I began building my son's library by adding to my own childhood collection, I was surprised to find that many stories still made the wolf out to be the 'bad guy'. In fact, I was so distressed by this discovery that I felt compelled to write my own stories for him.

When you are a new mom, there isn't a lot of free time to do much of anything that isn't absolutely necessary. But I began creating stories in my head that I would tell to him as they developed. Eventually, I put some on paper. But fate intervened, as she often does. (See blog titled 'Adventures in Homeschooling') This coming September will mark the second anniversary of my son's 'professional schooling' and of my own 'return to writing'.

But back to the wolf. Wolves have been misunderstood and villainized for centuries. They are actually very intelligent, loyal and loving family oriented and social creatures. They have been a part of my own life since I was just a child myself. Most of the children's short stories I've written about wolves use fictitious characters. But some were based on actual animals. Like anything else, they all have their own unique personalities and sometimes quirks. But none of them have been malicious.

I am currently finishing up my second Middle Grade/Young Adult novel that will feature the six wolves that my son grew up with. I didn't even change their names, to protect the guilty! All of them were among the first to welcome him into this world, literally. And all of them loved and protected him, unconditionally. The books also feature other animals, all based on actual characters, most of whom lived with or near us.

Back to the short stories; not all of them are about wolves. In fact, quite a few don't have a single wolf in them! But all except a few of them feature some sort of animal. You write the best if you stick to subjects near and dear to you, those you know best. Obviously, I am an 'animal person'!

Another thing you will find in all of my stories and books for young readers is happy endings. I figure there is enough misery in the world without purposely exposing our children to it in the books they read. Oh, there may be a little tug at the heart strings here and there, but no tear jerker.

If it were up to me, all children's books would be 'feel good' books. Some may contain a very subtle moral lesson, but the key word here is 'subtle'. My reasoning is that if a child or young adult reads something that either 1) makes them smile, laugh or feel good, 2) gives them a glimpse into another lifestyle that is good without being self-righteous or 3) causes them to pause on their own to reflect on the Golden Rule (without having it shoved in their face, so to speak), then they will be more apt to pick up the next book!

I know when I read a book that fills one of the key points above, I can't wait to start another one, hoping it will do the same. On the other hand, if I feel like I'm being preached to (and I'm not in church or reading theology), I have been known to put it down, unfinished. And I really don't like doing that. If it's a tear jerker that's well written, I'll probably finish it and wish I'd never started it. If it's REALLY well written and a tear jerker, I will often go a while before picking up another book. And my objective in writing children and young adult stories is to ENCOURAGE reading. Make them feel good. Feel happy. Feel like they have experienced something good and wholesome. Sometimes, even provide a good 'escape' for them. Isn't that why we read for pleasure? I will make you this promise. You will never see my name on the title of a book that I would not give to my own son (and I've been known to be overprotective...)

Hopefully, one day soon you can add my books to your child's library. No matter where they live, even if they've never touched a tree or petted a dog much less a wolf, I think they'll enjoy them!

* For a tiny glimpse of my work, I've published a few books on-line using actual photographs for illustrations. Check the link on the left sidebar...  I have also published a few poems in the 'notes' section of my facebook home page.  I am there under 'Dee Turner (D Americanhorse) and my profile picture is the silhouette of a wolf in a forest.  No surprise here, huh?   Note:  Not all of the poems there are children's poems, but none of them are 'R' rated either!

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you'll go." by Dr. Seuss from 'I Can Read With My Eyes Closed'

Happy reading!


Saturday, May 1, 2010

My, how the times have changed...(Teacher Appreciation Week)

This is a blog for 'baby boomers'. If you are younger than say, 44, you won't fully appreciate what I am about to say. In fact, you might even think it was written by a cave woman!

Only those of you who watched the original moon landing (on black and white television no less) back in '69 will likely be able to relate...

When I was in the first grade (I had to walk 15 miles thru the snow... Just kidding) the standard literacy textbook was "See Spot Run". Twelve years later, freshman college Computer 101 was a blur of 1's and 0's. PC's didn't exist, much less laptops, I-pods or the www. Today, kindergarden children are taught QWERT at the same time they are learning their ABC's! We learned QWERT in high-school typing class. If we were lucky, we got electric typewriters!

I suppose this is good progress, unless we reach the point where we actually try to replace real live human teachers with 'online tutorials'.

Personally, I am thankful for the Dick, Jane and Spot series and those early edition Golden Books that I first learned to read by myself. By a real live, in the flesh teacher. Those folks who took the time and made the effort to introduce us to the skills of reading. Who made the words on a page come to life!

And it is a skill. A taught skill. Not a naturally acquired skill. And once we mastered it, the world was opened up to us, yes, even before the world wide web was 'invented'!

So, at least for the time being, if you are reading this, take the time to thank a teacher this week! They may one day be a lost breed...

Happy reading and blessings to all!

D Americanhorse