taka rite on da bayou...

Learning is a life long journey. Both life experience and reading are the vehicles that will transport you... Thank you for letting me briefly ride along!

Adventures in Early Reading...


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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Success is a journey, not a destination...

I saw that on a church marquee today and wanted to share it with you. Schools will be beginning summer vacations starting next week. That does not mean that education has to take a holiday too!

It's true that most kids need a break from the daily structure of a school enviornment for some 'free time'. But they should be given the opportunity and encouragement to spend some of that free time in a constructive way.

I realize that most households have parents or caregivers who must work outside of the home. But with a little creative planning you can still provide mental stimulus for your kids. You might set aside an hour or so every few weeks to take them to the library so they can check out a couple of books. Encourage them to read the books and then tell you about the story! If they are unable to read by themselves, take the time to read to them! They will not only be learning but you will be creating a lifelong memory for them that they will cherish!

If they are fortunate enough to have a few friends nearby, perhaps you could arrange something with their parents or caregivers so that you could share the responsibily of being 'chauffeur'. You might even encourage them to start their own 'book club'! Make suggestions to them but let them actually set the definitions of the 'club'. The educational benefits of just these few activities are enormous!

While they are still young is the time to share the journey to success! Once they leave the 'nest', they will be 'flying' on their own! The time you spend with them will be priceless...

May you all have a safe and happy summer and may the warm winds of heaven blow softly upon your homes!

Happy reading,

D Americanhorse

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